Hanna Kaisa Vainio (FIN)

The Fisher

Environmental installation; Environmental Art Park, 17th June to 30th July.
Hanna Kaisa Vainio (photo Jaani Föhr)

The Fisher is a wooden sculpture carved mainly from materials found in nature. The sculpture describes a large fish catching bird, an osprey. The massive osprey will be on display outdoors at the Art Ii Biennial, making the sculpture fly in the open air. Hanna Kaisa Vainio has gathered materials for her sculpture from the lake and river sides and forests in Kainuu. Some pieces of the sculpture might also be gathered from the surroundings of the Ii River.

Hanna Kaisa Vainio is a Finnish artist who works with ecological processes and observations of nature by using mixed techniques and materials. She has a MA degree in Textile Arts and works as an independent artist, art educator and a social artist. Vainio likes to work in multidisciplinary ways, including participatory aspects and site specific characters.

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